Easy Read

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Our Projects

Hopeful Futures

Hopeful Futures is a not for profit company. We support Autistic people, people with Learning Disabilites and their Families. We work in Newham.

Church Neurodiversity Ministry

We work with churches to help them better welcome people with Learning Disabilites and Autism.

WAVE Little Ilford

WAVE Little Ilford We have a monthly worship service to welcome people with Learning Disabilites and Autism. To come along email us at hello@hopefulfutures.net

Community Art School

Art School We work with Artists who have Learning Disabilities. To come to Art School email us at artschool@hopefulfutures.net

Parent Support Groups

We run a Parent Support Group in Stratford and Manor Park. To come along email us at alison@hopefulfutures.net

Hopeful Starts (0-3 Years)

We will be running a Parent and Toddler Group in Manor Park. To come along email us at hello@hopefulfutures.net

Our Values

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