Hopeful Futures
Our Mission:
To create opportunities for autistic people, those with learning disabilities and their families, to thrive within local communities.
Welcome to Hopeful Futures! We are a community interest company, motivated by our Christian faith we develop specialist and innovative community projects alongside autistic adults and those with learning disabilities who live in the London Borough of Newham.
See our ‘about us’ section for our story and who we are. See our ‘what we do’ section for our work.
We would love to hear from you and you can contact us here or 07832249764.
What is a Learning Disability?
What is Autism?
Our Story:
Here is a statement from co-founder Alison Orphan:
“The name Hopeful Futures is intentional. Very often in the UK people with learning disabilities and autism end up with much smaller lives than the general population, with those around them having very low expectations about what they could achieve. I wanted Hopeful Futures to be entirely different.”
“I wanted to create a space where people with learning disabilities and autism could not only thrive and enjoy life but fly; do the things they are put on this earth to do; find purpose, meaning and fulfillment. To not be just an accepted and vaguely tolerated part of the local community but valued because of the unique things they bring which make our community better for everyone.”
“I wanted our organisation to be grounded in realism. I understand only too well, particularly at the moment, the immense struggles that everyone is having just to get by. So, I wanted us to be clear-eyed about the challenges and barriers that lay ahead for people with learning disabilities and autism to have a good life, but with a commitment to find creative and imaginative ways to make that happen anyway”.
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